After revision of shopwindows solutions let’s take a look at technological ideas for IN-STORE displays.

  1. LCD  and touch screens.

    Instead of paper posters, big screens introduce dynamics and brings consumers to the next shopping-level. They can be used in many different ways. Find most cutting-edge examples below.

    Following this trend, Oakley used 27 screens to cover ceiling. Non-shoppable area turned into magnetic  surface, visible from every store’s corner. Prototype installed first in New York City store, was so enthusiasticly adopted, that soon was introduced in other locations nationwide.

    Today shopping  is definitely social activity. We visit stores with friends, we share each other our experiences, we recommend or dissuade some products and finally, we post photos of our new items.  Targeting Millennials, new Macy’s location used huge screens to stream Instagram photos. These pictures present what other consumers are buying. Understanding the power of social media, Macy also installed selfie-camera that allows to pick and share image at different social channels.

    Can we build relationship with customers before store opening? Yes, we do. Kate Spade New York instead of announcing billboards installed interactive wall with small touch screens. This facade is fully shopable.  After several questions, it suggest personalized recommendations that are available to purchase.

    Shoppable Construction Barriers
    But let’s go even level further. These screens make us able to create display responsive on web content, what creates very compact and strong branding. It is updated with online site and – of course – cooperate with mobile apps. This concept was brought to life in London by Green Room for store, that offers multibrand soccer shoes. Online stores as a supplement of retail shops are since now the past.

  2. Interactive tables and racks.

    One of the tasks of visual merchandising is also to educate customers. How? We pick up some product from rack or table and then on dedicated screen, we are able to read specification, see selected item “in action” or watch advertising video. This solution merge both interactive and educational factors.

    Chief marketing officer Mary Beech after introducing interactive tables to Kate Spade stores notices: “We’ve seen a higher sell-through for products on the table.”
    Watch below project by Perch studio, developing high-tech displays.

    PERCH Athletic Shoes from PERCH on Vimeo.

  3. VR item fitting and cloakrooms

    VR item fitting and virtul cloakrooms may become a reality sooner than it is expected. There are avalible several technologies, that are described here in details. How these technologies may affect fashion industry?

    Outfit-Modeling Mirrors

    Let’s begin from numbers. According to the 35 % of potential purchases are aborted because of concerns about fit. 15 to 40% of finalized orders are returned because of the wrong size or mismatch. “There is no size standardisation. The risk of buying online is very high,” said founder of Heikki Haldre. According to the Virtusize, their virtual fitting platform help to increase sales at level of 20%, decrease return rates at 30% and enchance customers experience at 90%.
    Summing up, more successful shopping can build stronger brand loyality. Lower percentage of returns reduce retailers’ expenses. And last but not least, it significantly increase customers comfort and satisfaction.

    Images sources:

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