Maria Kozerska
CEO, visual merchandiser
KM Studio
I take shops to a higher level
Visual merchandising is the meeting point for art and marketing. The store, the boutique should not only looks beautiful, but also sells. Sells the product and the emotions behind it.
I help small and medium enterprises to become more competitive. Visual merchandising is dedicated to the wide range of retail industry. Beside fashion, I work with cosmetic, interior design and other lifestyle brands. I believe in the power of beauty, but beyond aesthetics I rely on “hard” data from the latest research and reports.
I graduated the Cracow Polytechnic at the Faculty of Architecture and Art Schools at the Visual Merchandising department. In my work, I combine skills from both areas.
Kindly invite you to the fascinating world of fashion, scenography and interior design.
Cooperates with
Michał Bubka
Inżynier ds. ochrony przeciw pożarowej. Projektuje systemy ochrony p.poż w galeriach handlowych i lokalach najemców. Certyfikowany projektant amerykańskiego standardu NFPA.
Adam Szarnicki
Projektant instalacji elektrycznych. Adam oświeci Twój sklep i zadba o spełnienie normatywnych natężeń światła.
Wojtek Kobylański
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lobortis vehicula ex, eget tincidunt enim pretium ut. Sed finibus arcu in erat vestibulum, in rhoncus turpis dictum.